About UsCAPEXIL's Virtual Exhibitions for Printing, Publishing, Packaging, Paper Products & Stationery from India - Feb to Apr 2022
Printing & Publishing From India (2nd Edition) - 28th Feb to 2nd Mar 2022
India International Paper, Paper Products And Stationery Fair (2nd Edition) - 28th Mar to 30th Mar 2022
India Packaging Fair 2022 - 25th Apr to 27th Apr 2022 
CAPEXIL, the premier export council of India is all set to host virtual & global fairs called Printing, Books & Publishing from India Fair 2022, India International Paper Products & Stationery Fair 2022 and India Packaging Fair 2022 from India.   Each day of the event will aim to draw India’s best Industry stakeholders, domain experts, live-demonstrations, product launches and market trends from all facets of Printing, Publishing, Packaging, Paper Products & Stationery and the unique product experiences “we as a country” proudly offer to the world.  
The event presents an exclusive opportunity to connect with the right buyers, wholesalers, regional distributors, institutional buyers, international industry pioneers, etc. from the comfort of your homes via PragatiE.  The exhibitors can participate in multiple events targeting a multitude of countries and focusing on specific products in  Printing, Publishing, Packaging, Paper Products & Stationery industries.
For details, please download the event brochure and visit CAPEXIL official website at www.capexil.org


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