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India Calling Conference 2022 on 6 May 2022

Posted on: March 09, 2022 | Back | Print

IMC Chamber of Commerce and Industry has a rich legacy of over a century of existence. It was founded on September 07, 1907 by few Indian Merchants, who came together to establish a Swadeshi institution to fight for the rights of the swadeshi businesses. The Chamber exclusively served the interests of Indian business community and also took part in several key political movement pre-independence.
The theme of the IMC India Calling Conference 2022 is ‘India Calling: Unleashing Opportunities – Why Invest in India? This year the Conference will focus on highlighting several measures taken by the government of India to boost domestic and foreign investments in India. Indian and international experts from leading industry and Government would share insights into development of markets in India, policy inputs and opportunities for companies to invest and collaborate in these areas.
Indian and overseas companies in diverse sectors, MSMEs, exporters and importers, entrepreneurs, investors, diplomatic missions, government officials, academia, banks and financial institutions, think tanks and NGOs participate in IMC India Calling Conference every year. The customized digital platform will afford opportunity to interact and establish connects with peers from India and overseas attending the Conference.
Registration and further details of the event website are available at https://www.imcnet.org/events-1570


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